Portal de Villanueva del Rio Segura


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detail of Villanueva del Rio Segura


Mock earthquake in the public school in Villanueva del Río Segura (15/12/2014)

Today on December 15 has been made in the public school Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción de Villanueva del Río Segura a practical evacuation simulation seismic event, promoted by the Department of Education of the City Council.

The evacuation plan center aims to test the adequacy and sufficiency of teams and media center available prevention such as alarms, signage, special lighting and extinguishing, besides detecting errors or omissions in the content of the plan and to accustom the students and employees of the building to acting in an emergency.

We enjoyed the cooperation of emergency equipment 112, the Red Cross Valley of Ricote, Fire Consortium, Unit Canine Rescue Region of Murcia and the local police of the municipality where before exercise, have had a first meeting of coordination among all teams to analyze the evacuation areas.

After its completion was held a meeting with teachers to discuss and evaluate the exercise.

He then has been shown to students running vehicles displaced to the place emergencies.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Villanueva del Río Segura

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