Portal de Villanueva del Rio Segura


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detail of Villanueva del Rio Segura


Villanueva projects a hopeful future (03/03/2017)

View of Villanueva from the spot the "Golgo"

The municipality of Villanueva del Río Segura has been immersed in the last 20 months in the execution of numerous projects to revitalize the prosperity among its neighbors.

The actions of the new Government team are mainly aimed at improving municipal infrastructures, increasing agricultural development, creating new leisure and recreational spaces, promoting tourist interest, recovering the economic situation, enhancing education and culture, etc.

Respecting always the historical roots and the beautiful environment that surrounds him.

As far as infrastructures are concerned, it is worth mentioning the construction of new scuppers in the urbanization La Viña, which collect the rainwater and trawls from the high areas, thus avoiding the numerous episodes of flooding in garages and low.

"A vindication that our affected neighbors came claiming year after year, and finally we gave them the solution and the consequent tranquility in the rainy days", affirms Jesus Viciana, mayor of Villanueva.

A notable commitment to trade has also been made.

Looking for subsidies, such as € 14,000 for the weekly market of the Barrio del Carmen, conditioning its location and providing better services to both the pleasure and the users of this market.

In addition, an investment of € 24,000 has been made with the exchange of 110 old luminaires for other LED technology in the Barrio del Carmen.

Jesús Viciana points out that "we will continue to improve the lighting of the whole town with efficiency and less pollution criteria to make Villanueva a green and sustainable municipality, and reducing the cost of electric energy by more than 20%. Will invest 60,000 € to change 150 lamps in the old case.The final objective is to complete the whole municipality thanks to investments that will be recovered in three years without having formalized any loan, this being a very profitable investment option without increasing the municipal debt.

But the municipal government does not stop here, it will meet the demands of the neighbors by expanding the municipal cemetery with the creation of new plots.

Viciana remarked that "one of our most relevant projects for 2017 will be the remodeling of the Plaza de la Constitución, adapting it to the landscape environment of the municipality, thus promoting the tourist attraction of it through its beautification.

As for the much needed leisure and recreation spaces, an example is the new playground on the road to La Paira with a cost of € 40,000.

As well as the improvement, cleaning and conditioning of parks, gardens, trees, public plots, etc. throughout the municipality.

In agriculture, the training of farmers to modernize their knowledge and care for the environment has been carried out, fundamental courses that have been well received by the residents and will continue to be taught.

Equally, valuable improvements and adaptations of rural roads will begin.

Of course, local employment is an essential area and several people in the municipality have been hired through the SEF's Youth Guarantee and Public Employment Plans.

And neighbors will continue to be employed for various jobs.

In terms of Education, the City Council is unconditionally supporting the only school in our town, working with the teaching team to promote and publicize the high quality of services offered and the enviable enclave of the center.

Many have been the efforts that have made possible the opening of the school dining room, a service that has been demanded by the entire educational community for many years, in several ways: promoting the reconciliation of family and work life by providing greater facilities and better conditions for Working parents and those actively seeking employment.

It is also an educational supplementary education of children in food and healthy values, especially for children with difficulties at meal time.

In addition, numerous improvements have been made such as the security fencing within the school grounds.

The ecological garden project has also been launched, "so valuable to help take care of our garden," emphasizes the mayor.

On the part of Culture, the importance of reading and theater is being especially encouraged.

A large collection of more than 300 children's books, books, books, books and books have been included in the Municipal Library, obtained both by an award for the María Moliner reading contest (more than 200 copies) and by the Ministry of Culture (lot of 100 books).

In the area of ​​the Patron Saint's Festivities, Viciana emphasizes that "we have been involved in a great amount of citizen participation for two years in all scheduled events, with a global cost much lower than that of previous legislatures thanks to the invaluable collaboration of all our neighbors and With the help of all, we are enjoying excellent parties spending just enough and fulfilling payment commitments with the suppliers of the various acts. "

In the area of ​​Sports, municipal facilities such as the pavilion and the sports court of B ° del Carmen will be improved.

Stimulating sports practice in citizens.

We leave for the final Economy and Finance.

The area that, in the words of the mayor, "has required the greatest effort on the part of everyone, given the dramatic situation of bankruptcy that we find on arriving at the City Hall. In addition, repairing this area was imperative, since it depends on the rest Have available resources ".

Among the several achievements highlighted is the settlement of the Budget of 2016 with a great positive result, for the first time in a decade Villanueva spends less than it enters.

Much work has been done to restrain spending by renegotiating various contracts and following this line of action, it has been proposed to the Finance Ministry meeting to lower the interest rates applied to the outstanding debt of more than 8,000,000 €, achieving a lower Financial expense.

In addition, the Ministry approved the obligatory and pending Adjustment Plan of the City Council, giving approval to the measures adopted by the Corporation and thereby granting both the financial assistance available to municipalities at financial risk.

It has been obtained the pardon of 850,000 € that were due for works subsidized and not realized or not justified.

Debt from the past that neighbors will no longer have to give back.

It has been obtained that in the Regional Budgets of 2017 Villanueva is forgiven the return of subsidies such as the Point of Attention to Children (nursery not built) in the Barrio del Carmen for amounts of 525,000 € plus 140,000 € in arrears interest .

On arrival at the Consistory, given the chaos found, an external Audit of the public accounts from 2011 to 2014, whose conclusions are available to the public.

Likewise, the closure of the pool and the power cut in municipal facilities were avoided, due to the historical defaults.

They have had to face large debts of the past in order to obtain services for the neighbors, helping also to raise the economy of the suppliers to which they were so much owed.

Also, the City Council has placed order in their payments with Social Security, which was owed € 600,000, now meets the tax and social obligations month by month.

In short, with all these improvements in the overall municipality, Villanueva finally faces a future full of good prospects.

And it appeals to the private investment, given the tourist interest of the town and its ideal strategic enclave in the area.

Source: Agencias

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